
Where Architecture, Engineering & Construction Professionals learn high-value skills and take their career to the next level.

Learn High-Value Skills » Develop Into A Top Performer » Advance Your Career

(111 Reviews)

Accelerate your career in the AEC sector with Growth Through Learning Academy — a collection of online courses designed to help you reach your goals faster.

Join today to access the following:

Course 1: Kison Personal Branding

Course 2: Kison Priority Management

Course 3: Kison Business Development

Course 4: The Kison Sales Diamond™

Our Courses Are Designed To Help You Get Ahead

— Course 1 —
Convey Your Value & Avoid Being Overlooked

Learn how to stand out from the crowd, communicate your expertise and create a positive perception in the minds of prospective clients and employers.

Course Contents (click to expand)

Unit 1: Introduction

1.1 Welcome / Course Intro
1.2 Kison Personal Branding Overview

Quiz | Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: You As The Product©

2.1 You As The Product© Overview
2.2 An Honest Self-Assessment
2.3 Personal FABs & Value Proposition

Quiz | Unit 2: You As The Product©

Unit 3: Building Your Personal Brand

3.1 Building Your Personal Brand Overview
3.2 Working From Your “Why”
3.3 Overcoming Fear & Self-Limiting Beliefs

Quiz | Unit 3: Building Your Personal Brand

Unit 4: Summary & Next Steps

4.1 Summary Of The Kison Personal Branding Course
4.2 Opportunities For Further Development

Kison Personal Branding Course Completion Survey

Course Reviews (use arrows to navigate)

Very good content presented in a way that is easy to understand. Engineers often struggle with “selling themselves” versus selling the company brand or their list of services. What I’ve learned will help me connect with my clients better.

— Steven H. (Environmental Engineer) —

I couldn’t believe how wrong I was about building a brand. Understanding the correct approach makes me motivated to build mine!

— Joshua M. (Structural Technologist) —

The course was a good mix of video, text and exercises that can easily be completed at your own pace. It really helps you realize what your weaknesses are and that you have to build on your positives and not be afraid of new things to develop into a better person.

— Brent M. (Senior Hydrogeologist) —

A great reminder that we each individually have a brand and great suggestions on how to enhance and attend to it.

— Eric P. (Principal & CEO) —

The personal branding section was awesome. Very well done and I like the layered approach you are taking with bringing things together to build a personal brand.

— Craig H. (P.Eng, PMP, CISSP) —

I appreciate the way you apply product marketing techniques to personal branding.

— Lucas H. (EIT, Electrical Engineer) —

The entire course was valuable, it was helpful in looking at myself and my offerings under a different light.

— Michael S. (P.Eng, Design Engineer) —

“This program has given me the tools to move forward”

I tend to think that I am incapable of completing a certain task because of my lack of experience in business development as well as struggling with self-confidence. This program has given me the tools to move forward by always being prepared and knowing the product I am selling.

— Tanisha M. (Business Development Coordinator) —

— Course 2 —
Create A Plan & Reach Your Goals Faster

Accelerate your career and achieve your goals faster with this actionable process for eliminating distractions and focusing on what really matters.

Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction

1.1 Welcome / Course Intro
1.2 Kison Priority Management Overview

Quiz | Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Foundations

2.1 Priority Management Foundations
2.2 Evaluating Your Time Usage
2.3 Setting SMARTER Goals
2.4 The Priority Management Matrix

Quiz | Unit 2: Foundations

Unit 3: Applications

3.1 Priority Management Applications
3.2 The Priority Management Process
3.3 Pursuing Probable & Profitable Opportunities
3.4 Effective Delegation Strategies

Quiz | Unit 3: Applications

Unit 4: Summary & Next Steps

4.1 Summary Of The Kison Priority Management Course
4.2 Opportunities For Further Development

Kison Priority Management Course Completion Survey

Course Reviews (use arrows to navigate)

I REALLY enjoyed this course. What stood out to me the most was that I routinely ignore “Important, Not Urgent” until they become “Important, Urgent” and this has been causing unnecessary stress in my life. Truly a great course, thank you!

— Genoa V. (Principal Geologist, PhD) —

I liked the component that talked about delegation and eliminating activities that others can do. I need to work on this, as it would help us manage substantially more work.

— Helen C. (Technical Services Manager) —

The self-audit of time usage is very useful and awakening. This awareness of how time is spent is extremely valuable to accomplishing goals.

— Justin D. (Mechanical Engineer) —

The priority management process was well laid out and helpful in helping me align and manage priorities on multiple projects going on at the same time.

— Pavan P. (Product Manager) —

The extension to the ‘SMART’ way of goal setting is interesting and provides a unified framework for my long-time efforts to make things relevant to those whose goals I set.

— Samson L. (Director Of Engineering) —

I really appreciated that the priority managment points were taught from a business development perspective.

— Magnus H. (General Manager) —

As with all of the courses, the presentation of the material is great, and fillable PDFs/Google files are a great way to begin applying the material!

— Jesse M. (Project Engineer) —

(The course) gave me useful tools to aid my thinking process and viewing tasks different than before. Also now we have good verbiage among our team that can be used for better communication.

— Behzad K. (Assistant Superintendent) —

“This program was timely!”

As noted in my email, this program was timely! We all have a lot of priorities to manage at this time so having a toolkit to do that is very helpful. I have always been one to create a to-do list but I have never thought of applying it in the way that you taught!

— Allison K. (Hydrogeologist, P.Geo) —

— Course 3 —
Increase The Value You Bring To Your Firm

Secure more profitable business with this relationship-based approach to business development that prioritizes long-term success over simply “getting the sale”.

Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction

1.1 Welcome / Course Intro
1.2 Kison Business Development Overview

Quiz | Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Positioning

2.1 Positioning Overview
2.2 Positioning Yourself
2.3 Positioning Your Firm
2.4 Becoming A Strategic Partner

Quiz | Unit 2: Positioning

Unit 3: Lead Generation

3.1 Lead Generation Overview
3.2 Sources Of Business
3.3 Networking Foundations
3.4 Networking Applications

Quiz | Unit 3: Lead Generation

Unit 4: Personal Selling

4.1 Personal Selling Overview
4.2 Proactive vs Reactive Selling
4.3 Engaging Clients More Effectively
4.4 Client Profiling For Personal Sales

Quiz | Unit 4: Personal Selling

Unit 5: Success Strategies

5.1 Success Strategies Overview
5.2 Mindset For Business Development
5.3 Ethics For Business Development
5.4 Obtaining Quality Referrals

Quiz | Unit 5: Success Strategies

Unit 6: Summary & Next Steps

6.1 Summary Of The Kison Business Development Course
6.2 Opportunities For Further Development

Kison Business Development Course Completion Survey

Course Reviews (use arrows to navigate)

The focus on ethics and the needs of others is foundational to success in many areas of personal and professional growth. It is encouraging to see this whole program taking that foundational approach to business development, as I feel that building these skills will improve me as an individual, both personally and professionally.

— Tristan K. (Project Engineer, P.Eng) —

I enjoyed that Ralph explained everything in easy to understand terms in the videos, they were easy to watch and the additional information was engaging. I think the Rainmaker’s Matrix and Mindset were two very valuable points to learn in this course. I also think Networking and learning how to turn Clients into Friends is something that is great to learn, especially early on in my career.

— Allison K. (Hydrogeologist, P.Geo) —

It was a well-paced course, very concise ideas in the short videos so they were not too long and then the quizzes at the right time make you feel more active and think and reflect in the video content. I liked the idea of being strategic and organized in what opportunities one and the company wants to pursue. Sometimes we act more reactive than proactive with a real strategy. Thank you.

— Fernando L. (Civil Engineer) —

This course was magnificent and highly applicable to my current position at work. The success strategies and tips for obtaining quality referrals are of high value.

— Justin D. (Mechanical Engineer) —

What I enjoyed most about the Business Development course was learning about the principles of networking. The principles provide clear guidelines to better expand your sphere of influence.

— Rachel L. (Project Coordinator) —

I enjoyed how the course was simplified into the four units. I came into the BD course having no prior knowledge of the BD process and now I have a framework to build onto.

— Vinnie G. (Sales & Project Engineer) —

I enjoyed the lead generation section. Networking is everything in today’s world so it’s great to learn more about how to do it effectively without coming off as “salesy”.

— Almero R. (Project Coordinator, EIT) —

I enjoyed the content of the Kison Business Development course. I particularly valued the information on how the sales landscape is changing. This information has helped me get a more nuanced picture of the role that sales and personal relationships play in business growth and development.

— Kartik V. (Senior Project Engineer) —

I enjoyed learning about the small details on how to grow and strengthen your relationships with existing and potential clients. It seems common sense that you need to have a good relationship with clients to sustain business, but now I understand how.

— Mike L. (Structural Technologist) —

I’ve never had a chance to analyze in depth all the elements that lead to success to failure in business development as much as was elaborated and presented in this course. This is valuable to have all these elements in mind moving forward.

— Shermin N. (Hydrogeotechnical Engineer) —

I thought it was great. It was nice to see the difference between active and inactive clients. Also noting the ABC break down with clients. It opened up my mind on how to approach things moving forward.

— Barrett F. (General Superintendent) —

It got me thinking in depth about my clients and where there are opportunities for business growth. Being relatively new in my career it has given me insight into how to interact with future clients.

— Megan W. (Hydrogeologist) —

I enjoyed the fantastic information and insights presented in the different sections, specially on positioning and lead generation.

— Juan A. (Mechanical Engineer) —

This course presents concepts in a clear and well articulated manner that brings the key points into focus. I could recognize the course’s strategies in the places I’ve worked at, which have shown success and held a good reputation in their area of business.

— Brandon B. (Structural Engineer) —

"Exactly what I needed!"

I have always seen sales as a bit of a dirty word and a mysterious practice that at times can prey on the client. I was glad to see that there is another way and that I don’t need to change myself to become one of those salespeople if what I have to offer is of true value to the prospective client. Moreover, I have always struggled with where to start when approaching business development and having a framework to hang to is exactly what I needed!

— Sam W. (Project Engineer) —

— Course 4 —
Develop Your Sales Process & Close Better Deals

Eliminate your fear of selling with this powerful framework that has helped countless salespeople secure hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for their organizations.

Course Contents

Unit 1: Introduction

1.1 Welcome / Course Intro
1.2 Introducing The Sales Diamond
1.3 Overview Of The Sales Diamond Process
1.4 Introducing The Learning Process

Quiz | Unit 1: Introduction

Unit 2: Engage

2.1 Overview Of Engage
2.2 Defining Your Strategy
2.3 Engaging The Head, Heart, And Gut
2.4 Successful Client Outreach
2.5 Effective Client Meetings
2.6 Learning Process Reflection For Engage

Quiz | Unit 2: Engage

Unit 3: Qualify

3.1 Overview Of Qualify
3.2 Understanding Why Clients Buy
3.3 Qualifying Critical Buying Factors
3.4 The Four Levels Of Client Awareness
3.5 Qualifying With Caution
3.6 Learning Process Reflection For Qualify

Quiz | Unit 3: Qualify

Unit 4: Discover

4.1 Overview Of Discover
4.2 Head, Heart, And Gut Discovery
4.3 Open & Closed Probe Discovery
4.4 The RISCS Discovery Process
4.5 Disengagement Strategies
4.6 Learning Process Reflection For Discover

Quiz | Unit 4: Discover

Unit 5: Solution

5.1 Overview Of Solution
5.2 The FABs Of Your Solution
5.3 The Positioning & VIP Of Your Solution
5.4 Preparing Your Sales Presentation
5.5 Elevating Your Sales Presentation
5.6 Learning Process Reflection For Solution

Quiz | Unit 5: Solution

Unit 6: Alignment

6.1 Overview Of Alignment
6.2 Achieving Alignment
6.3 Confirming Alignment
6.4 Handling Misalignment
6.5 The Final Go/No-Go Decision
6.6 Learning Process Reflection For Alignment

Quiz | Unit 6: Alignment

Unit 7: Commitment

7.1 Overview Of Commitment
7.2 Your Role In Securing Commitment
7.3 The Process Of Securing Commitment
7.4 Asking For A Buying Decision
7.5 Handling A Lack Of Commitment
7.6 Learning Process Reflection For Commitment

Quiz | Unit 7: Commitment

Unit 8: Follow Up

8.1 Overview Of Follow Up
8.2 Why Follow Up Gets Neglected
8.3 Strategies For Following Up
8.4 Obtaining Quality Referrals
8.5 The Lifetime Value Of A Client
8.6 Learning Process Reflection For Follow Up

Quiz | Unit 8: Follow Up

Unit 9: Summary & Next Steps

9.1 Summary Of The Kison Sales Diamond™ Course
9.2 The Diamond Within The Sales Success Plan
9.3 Opportunities For Further Development

The Kison Sales Diamond™ Course Completion Survey

Course Reviews (use arrows to navigate)

One area that stood out to me was the Solution aspect of the Sales Diamond. In my role as a sales engineer to prepare the proposals sent out to clients/potential clients, it was helpful to put into perspective the way proposals are written to be more client-focused as well as what value we provide.

— Pavan P. (Product Manager) —

I’m not in a sales position, but am in contact with customers, so I like how this course will make me more aware of the sales aspect while engaging with customers in my typical work. I like how the course is focused on the approach of finding solutions for the customer, rather than pushing sales.

— Brandon B. (Structural Engineer) —

I feared being too “salesy”, but your course gave me the confidence to treat it as a genuine interaction and an opportunity to help people in the industry – it’s just a bonus that they also become clients.

— Jen H. (Geophysicist) —

I enjoyed learning about the social dynamics of value-based selling; the analyses of different perspectives are quite valuable. The connection at every human level (Head, Heart, Gut) was particularly valuable as it was nicely broken down to analyze communications with existing and future clients.

— Justin D. (Mechanical Engineer) —

The six steps can be learned and carried out and then iterated to improve. Makes me think that the ‘black magic’ perspective of generating sales and business is attainable by an introvert like me. Thanks!

— Ryan B. (Senior Mechanical Engineer) —

I liked the breakdown of the steps. Initially I thought it was as simple as an introduction, proposal, close deal but I understand the benefits of the intermediate stages.

— Mike L. (Structural Technologist) —

The focus on alignment during that section of the diamond was particularly valuable. I think with today’s fast paced environment and blitzing of RFQ’s from customers that is looked over and we push for commitment too fast. Also the follow up importance.

— Evan R. (Engineer & Corporate Account Manager) —

I have always been timid and a person to avoid any form of conflict or confrontation. It was amazing to learn a process you could prepare and practice with. This course makes me feel much more confident!

— Joshua M. (Structural Technologist) —

I very much enjoyed it! I think that the piece on disengagement (and how to do so properly) is something that is left out of a lot of sales training, but is valuable and needs to be done well. I loved that it was included. I also like the art of the follow up as well. Again, too many trainings end at the sale. I loved the piece on follow up and the idea of lifetime value.

— Danielle S. (Provincial Territory Manager) —

I like that there is a process to follow. I particularly like the idea that if we are at any one of the later steps and find that things are not headed in the right direction, we can go back up the diamond and repeat some of the earlier steps.

— Justin C. (VP, Development & Planning) —

I think this framework will be valuable moving forwards to ensure that I have a solid plan to refer to as my work progresses. All of the steps of the Sales Diamond seem so intuitive and effective, and I look forward to applying them.

— Isaac G. (Mechanical Engineer) —

I enjoyed everything about this course – I was not aware of the Sales Diamond. Everything I have learned is extremely valuable as it was a new concept for me. Engage, Qualify, Discover, Solution, Alignment and Commitment are all things I will be using going forward throughout my career in Business Development.

— Tanisha M. (Business Development Coordinator) —

This is certainly one of the best courses I have come across. It helped me organize the methodology for the entire sales team.

— Arghya C. (Engineering Manager) —

I really appreciated how the whole process puts a lot of emphasis on the professionalism and client-focus. The whole process reminded me of the engineering design process, with a heavy emphasis on asking the right questions and identifying the issues or challenges at their most fundamental level before attempting to find solutions.

— Tristan K. (Project Engineer, P.Eng) —

Thanks Ralph for your passion and expertise. As a person new to sales, this puts the framework of the sales process and how to go through it. I had never been exposed to anything like this as my background is in engineering design and support. I found the material very engaging and interesting.

— Paul P. (Product Development Engineer) —

This course combines many sales principles into a logical and systematic process which can be applied in my career as an engineer. I will refer back to the lesson plans and exercises when I engage with prospective clients to sell my firm’s services based on client needs.

— Avneet B. (Senior Civil Engineer) —

The structured process of taking a client to an informed buying decision made it feel a lot less salesy for me and therefore I’m more confident in my ability to use it in an authentic manner.

— Fiona H. (Project Manager) —

I feel that I have been doing a lot of the functions and process of sales for many years, but lacked the terminology and set course of the process, so I enjoyed the fresh perspective. I found Ralph to be a VERY engaging and interesting person to listen to.

— Aaron C. (Senior Mechanical Technologist) —

The top of the triangle portion “Earn The Right” was eye-opening. I realized how much work has to be put upfront before even trying to sell a service or a solution to a client. I also realize that a lot of the work is already part of our daily activities as Engineers, but the concepts must be organized logically to show our existing and potential clients that we are capable of providing the right solution for their needs.

— Juan A. (Mechanical Engineer) —

"Your program stands head and shoulders above them all!"

Over my career, I’ve had the opportunity to get sales training from a number of 3rd party organizations. Your program stands head and shoulders above them all! The Sales Diamond approach is something I plan to leverage consistently. The Personal Branding training program has been extremely valuable too. Having the opportunity to go through all of the courses together has resulted in a massive impact. Thank you.”

— Craig H. (P.Eng, PMP, CISSP) —

Meet Your Instructor

Ralph Kison

Founder & President — Growth Through Learning


Ralph is a graduate of the University of British Columbia Marketing and Sales Management Program. He is also a Certified Marketing Executive (CME) and Certified Sales Executive (CSE).

Teaching Background

Ralph has taught professional sales courses at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), as well as for Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI).

Professional Experience

In addition to his work expanding the Academy, Ralph also serves as President of Kison Inc., where he’s helped individuals and organizations achieve their goals faster through a mix of coaching, training, consulting, and strategic planning services for more than 30 years.

Ralph is also a past President of Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI) and past President of the Canadian Society for Marketing Professional Services of Vancouver (CSMPS). 

Meet Your Instructor

Ralph Kison

Founder & President
Growth Through Learning


Ralph is a graduate of the University of British Columbia Marketing and Sales Management Program. He is also a Certified Marketing Executive (CME) and Certified Sales Executive (CSE).

Teaching Background

Ralph has taught professional sales courses at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), as well as for Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI).

Professional Experience

In addition to his work expanding the Academy, Ralph also serves as President of Kison Inc., where he’s helped individuals and organizations achieve their goals faster through a mix of coaching, training, consulting, and strategic planning services for more than 30 years.

Ralph is also a past President of Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI) and past President of the Canadian Society for Marketing Professional Services of Vancouver (CSMPS). 

Meet Your Instructor

Ralph Kison

Founder & President
Growth Through Learning


Ralph is a graduate of the University of British Columbia Marketing and Sales Management Program. He is also a Certified Marketing Executive (CME) and Certified Sales Executive (CSE).

Teaching Background

Ralph has taught professional sales courses at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), as well as for Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI).

Professional Experience

In addition to his work expanding the Academy, Ralph also serves as President of Kison Inc., where he’s helped individuals and organizations achieve their goals faster through a mix of coaching, training, consulting, and strategic planning services for more than 30 years.

Ralph is also a past President of Sales and Marketing Executives International of Vancouver (SMEI) and past President of the Canadian Society for Marketing Professional Services of Vancouver (CSMPS). 

Trusted By Top AEC Firms & Associations

Trusted By Top AEC Firms & Associations

Trusted By Top AEC Firms & Associations

— Limited Time Only: Secure Lifetime Access —

Join Growth Through Learning Academy today to unlock over $2000 in training!

Kison Personal Branding ($250 Value)
Kison Priority Management ($350 Value)
Kison Business Development ($600 Value)
The Kison Sales Diamond™ ($900 Value)

Receive instant access to all 4 courses for only

$2100 $297

(Secure Lifetime Access)

What Our Students Are Saying

(111 Reviews)

"I would highly recommend this program"

I want to thank you for the quality and insightful material. The content was very well structured and presented, and I found it very easy to apply the lessons to a variety of real work situations even for non-sales applications. I would highly recommend this program to any professionals at any stage of their career regardless of their position.

— Jared B. (Project Engineer, EIT) —

"The value I got from this program paid for itself immediately."

I highly recommend these courses! Ralph is an outstanding presenter and teacher. The value I got from this program paid for itself immediately.

— Brandon H. (Mechanical Engineering Lead) —

"Genuine enthusiasm for helping people succeed"

I’ve enjoy having Ralph as a teacher. He comes across as someone with integrity, a depth of knowledge and practical experience, and genuine enthusiasm for helping people succeed.

— Grant L. (Senior Project Architect) —

"Ralph easily presents complex topics"

I enjoyed this program and the material presented. Ralph easily presents complex topics while keeping the learner engaged.

— Juan A. (Mechanical Engineer) —

 Academy FAQ’s

How much time will I need to dedicate toward learning the material?

While everyone advances through the material at a different pace, your first time through the material will likely require at least a day or two per course. You can spread this out at an hour per day over several weeks to better fit into your schedule. The great thing about securing lifetime access is that it allows you to take your time. You can also come back and revisit the material as needed as you apply the concepts to the unique situations you encounter as you seek to advance your career.

Will you guarantee my career success if I purchase access to the Academy?

It is our goal to provide you with the tools you need to succeed, however, it’s up to you to make use of them and to take the action required to achieve the results you desire. For this reason, we cannot make any guarantees relating to student outcomes.

What happens after I click on "Join The Academy"?

Clicking on “Join The Academy” will take you to the Academy checkout page. Once there, you’ll be asked to enter your payment information to purchase your access and create your Growth Through Learning Academy account. Once this simple registration process is complete, you’ll gain instant access to all of our Academy courses and resources and will be able to start learning immediately!

Growth is a choice. Choose Growth Through Learning.